Shaz Foo Kim

Measurement of Attitudes in Blended Learning as an Evaluation of Character Education in the Framework of an Independent Campus Education Policy in Thailand

Dr.Niraj Ruangsan




July 3, 2021


The objectives to be achieved in this study are (1) measuring intellectual attitudes in the competency of civic education as an evaluation of character education; (2) analyzing the policy paper (paper policy) based on nationalism in the framework of an independent campus education policy. The method used in this research is development research (RnD). The technique of collecting data was data and source triangulation, then analyzed using the interactive analysis model. The results of the study show that: (1) Intellectual Attitude is part of the civic education competency which has very decent attitude characteristics, in case that the alternatives chosen is the affection process starting from accepting, implementing, appreciating, living, to practicing; (2) Measurement of intellectual attitudes in learning Citizenship education needs to be improved by utilizing science and technology development and innovation in learning activities that can be realized through the blended learning model; (3) The adaptation of learning technology is a vital need in the process of the Digital Revolution, which is still a challenge to integrate the national character in tertiary institutions for implementing the Free Learning Curriculum.