Software Defined Networks have been the subject of focus due to their applicability in fields such as VANETs, IOT and cloud computing. After in depth study about the scalability of various controllers used in diverse networking scenarios, the authors of this paper have come up with the implementation and testing of novel model developed to inculcate proactive behaviour of programmable switches controlled by software defined network controller using REST API, python, mininet, iperf and other research tools. The authors of this research have implemented and demonstrated a Proactive Static Entry Pusher to Flow Tables over FloodLight Controller in an SDN networking environment. With this paper, an opportunity has been created for the researchers and the industry to develop technology that can control the behaviour of networks through controllers when a particular type of packet is encountered. The profound structure of the research article will help the readers to clearly follow the step by step procedure of implementation which can then be recreated and enhanced further for research and development or industry solution.
Keywords: SDN, Floodlight, Mininet, OpenFlow, Reactive entry insertion, Proactive entry insertion, Static entry pusher, iPerf, RestAPI, gnuplot