Shaz Foo Kim

The Role of Marketing Mix on Tourist Satisfaction and Tourist Revisit Intention in West Sumatra

Reni Yuliviona1*, Andhyka Tyaz Nugraha2, Lindawati1, Elfitra Azliyanti1, Evi Susanti Tasri1




December 21, 2020


The present study examines the role of marketing mix on tourist satisfaction and revisit intention in West Sumatra, Indonesia. Addition, this study also examined the mediating impact of satisfaction between marketing mix and tourist revisit intention. Purposive sampling technique are applied and data collected from foreign tourists in three maritime tourism in West Sumatera through survey questionnaires and thus estimates using SmartPLS. This study consists of 15 direct-effect hypotheses and 8 indirect-effect hypotheses. The result of direct effect model shows that process has significant effect to satisfaction and revisit intention; satisfaction has a direct effect to revisit intention; while price, promotion, people, and physical evidence only have a significant effect on satisfaction. Furthermore, the result of indirect effect model shows that satisfaction mediate the effect of price, promotion, people and physical evidence toward tourist revisit intention. Based on these findings, we recommend the West Sumatra tourism official to improve coordinate with three maritime officials in West Sumatra in order to manage maritime tourism objects professionally by implementing appropriate maritime tourism strategy in West Sumatera, Indonesia.

Keywords: Satisfaction, Marketing Mix, Revisit Intention, Indonesia.

Paper type: Research paper.