Shaz Foo Kim

Empowerment Of Customary Law Community In Economic Development Based On Local Wisdom

Zia Malik




October 26, 2020


Culture and local wisdom are very closely related to the communit. It means that everything contained in the community is influenced by the culture owned by the community itself. Local wisdom can be used by empowering customary law community as the main strategy for future economic improvement, especially sustainable economics. Customary law community can find out more about what needs to be done and needed in carrying out economic activities in accordance with the potential in the region. This research is a normative juridical research, using the statue approach, conceptual approach, case approach with regard to the laws and regulations relating to the existence of customary law community in relation to local wisdom-based economic development). The results of this study indicate that economic development will run well and support economic development because through the law, community directed to do certain things to achieve the desired economic goals through efforts to empower customary law community, through economic development based on local wisdom in the utilization, use and management of natural resource.